Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Radical Leap

“I do this work because I can’t help it; I have to do it.  If that means I’m nuts, so be it.”  Steve Farber, The Radical Leap

This is my 14th year teaching.  I made it past the first year milestone because it was just so darned challenging and the students made me giggle so much that I had to have more. 

I made it through the 3rd to 5th year milestones because I changed to a small, energy-charged school that did a wonderful job of keeping me energized and challenged.  And, I learned how to snowboard.

Now, I am at another milestone: being mid-career and wondering what this point will bring.

The Radical Leap is a wonderful, little book written for business leaders, but logically applicable for school teachers.  I was struck by many ideas and lessons throughout, but what got me was the idea of cultivating love.  It seemed strange to be speaking of love in the business world (though not, of course, to Steve Farber), but in the world of education, I think, love is it: “…love of something or someone; love of a cause; love of a principle; love of the people you work with and the customers you serve; love of the future you and yours can create together; love of the business you conduct every day.”

Farber’s book also reminds that fear is not bad, “but avoiding it can also keep you from doing something great, from learning something new, and growing as a human being.”  I remember vividly how much fear there was during my first couple of years, and during that time, I did learn, grow and do great things. 

The fear is gone now and I don’t think that’s good.

I highly recommend The Radical Leap by Steve Farber.